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Tips for a Safer Halloween
October 25, 2019
“There’s no trick to treating children to a safer Halloween. It begins by taking a few basic precautions and using sensible adult judgment,” says Caroline Marcus, MD, a board-certified pediatrician at Kelsey-Seybold Clinic.
Costume Preparations
- Make sure costumes are flame-retardant. If homemade, treat fabric with a flame-resistant solution and trim costumes with reflective tape to make children more visible to motorists.
- Keep capes and costumes short to prevent tripping.
- If using wands or swords, make them out of cardboard rather than wood, metal, or plastic and keep them short.
- If wearing masks, make sure children can see and breathe properly.
- Ban the use of cosmetic contact lenses; they’re notorious for causing eye infections.
When Trick-or-Treating
- Plan a familiar route. A responsible adult should accompany younger children and carry a flashlight and cell phone.
- Only go to homes with the porch lights on.
- Never enter the home of a stranger or accept a ride from one.
Examine Treats
- Examine treats for possible choking hazards.
- Discard unwrapped candy or wrapped items that show evidence of tampering.
- To be on the safe side, throw away homemade baked goods.
“Halloween traditions have delighted generations of children. Encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to exhibit sound judgment to make the evening safer for everyone,” advises Dr. Marcus.
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