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Precautions Needed for Holiday Travel Abroad
My family and I are planning to travel abroad this holiday season. What precautions should we take before departure?
“When planning a trip, the last thing you want to think about is illness – especially during the holidays,” says Melanie Mouzoon, M.D., Managing Physician for Immunization Practices. “Yet, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, throughout the year, more than 11 million people suffer some kind of illness while traveling abroad. The good news is that many of these illnesses are preventable, when you do some planning before leaving home.”
Immunizations are essential to protecting yourself and your family from serious diseases, many of which can be life threatening. Every destination, including those in the developed world, has its own list of recommended immunizations to guard against communicable diseases.
“It’s important to consult a travel medicine expert 4-6 weeks prior to departure, especially if you are traveling in a remote area or a developing country,” says Dr. Mouzoon. “During this consultation, a trained medical professional can give you detailed health information tailored to your itinerary. By taking health precautions before you leave the country, you may increase your chances of having a safe holiday vacation.”