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Kelsey-Seybold provider Dr. Hansen

Men’s Health Awareness: Take Steps To Be Proactive About Your Health!

June 14, 2024

Chances are you know a man who doesn’t like to go to the doctor. The notion that men tend to avoid doctor’s appointments is widespread, and for good reason. According to a national survey conducted by Cleveland Clinic, a striking 72% of men would rather engage in household chores like mowing the lawn or cleaning the bathroom than make a trip to the doctor’s office.

So, what’s the underlying reluctance among men when it comes to seeking medical attention? It turns out there are both psychological and practical factors at play:

  • The aversion to taking time off from work.
  • The fear of receiving unfavorable health news.
  • Not wanting to make dietary changes.
  • The discomfort associated with discussing certain health concerns.
  • The desire to maintain a sense of masculinity.

The survey results also shed light on men’s tendency to avoid voicing their health problems or appearing vulnerable – a behavior that often traces its roots back to childhood. However, the challenge with not addressing health concerns, especially with a medical professional, is that it can lead to more severe issues down the road.


Healthy Lifestyle = Longevity

Research has also shown a clear connection between healthy lifestyle habits and a longer lifespan. In a comprehensive study, researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health tracked 120,000 participants for 28 to 34 years, depending on their gender. The results indicated that men who adhered to five specific healthy habits enjoyed an additional 12 years of life, while women extended their lifespan by an impressive 14 years.

5 Healthy Habits for Longevity

  1. Healthy diet
  2. Healthy physical activity levels
  3. Healthy body weight
  4. Smoking avoidance
  5. No more than moderate alcohol consumption


Prioritizing Preventive Care

As men age, preventive healthcare and regular screenings become increasingly crucial. All of the following health screenings and vaccinations play a pivotal role in reducing the risk of various diseases, preventing many medical conditions, and producing positive outcomes if a health issue is detected.

  • Men of all age groups should undergo screening for depression.
  • Younger men in their late teens or early 20s, as well as those at higher risk, should be screened for Hepatitis C and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), including chlamydia/gonorrhea and HIV.
  • Men in their 30s should schedule check-ups every three years, have their eyes examined at least twice during this decade, and begin cholesterol screening around the age of 35.
  • For men in their 40s, it’s time to start screening for Type 2 diabetes, initiate colon cancer screenings around age 45, and ensure a general check-up at least every three years.
  • Men in their 50s should discuss prostate cancer screening with their providers, undergo annual check-ups, and consider getting the shingles vaccine.

Find a Trusted Primary Care Physician

Finally, if you don’t have a primary care provider, our Kelsey-Seybold primary care team is here for you! You can search for a Family Medicine or Internal Medicine provider easily on our Find a Doctor section of the website. Establishing a relationship with a trusted primary care doctor is a great first step on your journey to better health!

Dr. Adesina from Kelsey-Seybold Clinic

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