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adult health guidelines for women

Adult Health Guidelines For Women

February 23, 2020

These are general health recommendations for adult women compiled by the Kelsey Research Foundation. Your care may vary depending on personal risk factors. Please consult your physician for specific medical advice.

Checkups: Women Ages 18-39 Ages 40-49 Ages 50-64 Ages 65-74 Ages 75+
Preventive Visit Every 3 years Yearly, unless your physician recommends every 2 years Yearly Yearly Yearly
Blood Pressure Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly
Weight Every 1-3 years Every 1-3 years Every 1-3 years Yearly Yearly
Vision, Hearing Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician
Stool sample for blood     Yearly (not needed if you have had a colonoscopy within the last 10 years) Yearly (not needed if you have had a colonoscopy within the last 10 years) Yearly (not needed if you have had a colonoscopy within the last 10 years)
Colon exam   Based on family history Colonoscopy every 10 years if first exam is negative Colonoscopy every 10 years if first exam is negative Colonoscopy every 10 years if first exam is negative
Cholesterol Screening Every 5 years Every 5 years Every 5 years Every 5 years Every 5 years
Blood sugar screening Overweight patients with at least one other risk factor for pre-diabetes such as family history of diabetes Patients 45 and older who are overweight Discuss with physician; Offered yearly Discuss with physician; Offered yearly Discuss with physician; Offered yearly
Mammogram Based on family history, mammograms may need to begin age 40; discuss with your physician Yearly beginning at age 40 unless otherwise directed due to high-risk factors Yearly up to age 54; age 55 and older should be screened every two years unless otherwise directed Every two years unless otherwise directed Screening for cancer after age 75 should be based on individual cancer risk and projected life expectancy. Discuss with your physician
Pap Test Begin at age 21 and screen every 3 years After three or more consecutive normal Pap tests or negative HPV, continue every five years After three or more consecutive normal Pap tests or negative HPV, continue every five years After three or more consecutive normal Pap tests or negative HPV, continue every five years Discuss with your physician
Pelvic Exam Yearly May be done annually at the discretion of the physician May be done annually at the discretion of the physician May be done annually at the discretion of the physician May be done annually at the discretion of the physician
Clinical Breast Exam Every 1-3 years Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly
Breast Self Exam There are benefits and limitations to breast self-exam. Discuss with your physician There are benefits and limitations to breast self-exam. Discuss with your physician There are benefits and limitations to breast self-exam. Discuss with your physician There are benefits and limitations to breast self-exam. Discuss with your physician There are benefits and limitations to breast self-exam. Discuss with your physician
 Bone Mineral Density       All females 65 and older All females 65 and older
HIV Screening Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician    

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