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Kucera William Kucera William

William Kucera

“You have to be dedicated. When you have a craving or don’t want to work out, push through it. You’ll be glad you did because the little things add up and help you succeed.” - William Kucera, Exercise Physiologist, Berthelsen Main Campus

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William Kucera, Exercise Physiologist, Berthelsen Main Campus

June 2019

Build a better balance

Will Kucera tamed the treadmill of his unhealthy hectic lifestyle to return to a healthier, happier path.

Back in college, Will was a competitive bodybuilder. But when the rigors of the real workaday world set in, he defaulted to too much fast food and not enough exercise. His weight – and his blood pressure – soared. Will began to make small changes, like cutting out pizza and processed foods, and headed back to the gym. In a year, he’s lost more than 50 pounds.

What made you decide to get in shape in college while others were partying?

I’m a pretty big guy, and I had always struggled with my weight. But when I was 20, I got up to 310. That’s when I decided it was time to get the weight off. I started doing cardio and eating better. Then I got into bodybuilding and participated in a couple of shows.

What happened when you got out of school and started working?

Work was pretty crazy, and I lived by myself. I was never in the mood to cook after a long day. Also, my finances weren’t great. It was too easy just to eat junk food and watch TV.

But you finally had enough of that?

In November 2017, I got to 370 pounds. I started to work out five or six days a week doing cardio on the treadmill and weights. So far, I’ve lost about 55 pounds.

What’s your exercise routine now?

I get off at 5 p.m., and then I go home and eat a light dinner. About an hour later, I go to the gym. I work different parts of my body on different days: legs on Monday, chest on Tuesday, etc. I usually take a rest day on the weekend.

How have you changed your diet?

I eat a lot less processed food and bad fats. I’m trying to cook more, but that’s still not easy. I love pizza, so I treat myself once a week. Since I’m lifting weights, I eat a high protein diet, and I still eat some carbs.

What might you eat on a typical day?

I usually don’t eat carbs in the morning. For breakfast I usually have 10 scrambled egg whites, with a couple of yolks. And I throw in some hot sauce for flavor. Lunch might be jasmine white rice, chicken, and guacamole. Dinner is usually just white rice. I eat a lot of guacamole because it’s healthy – and I like it.

How are the results coming along?

People have noticed that I’m losing and toning. I saw some friends I hadn’t seen in a while, and they told me I look like a different person. I’ve been able to cut my blood pressure medicine in half.

What have you learned about yourself?

I enjoy the process of getting in shape and watching my body change. I’m also motivated by wanting to look good! I’m goal oriented, so when I set my mind on something I really focus on it.

Do you have some advice for people just starting out?

Stay strong and don’t give up on your goals, especially when you don’t see the results you want at first. It takes a couple of months before you see anything.

Unfortunately, there’s no magic pill or special way of eating that’s going to work for everyone. You have to be dedicated. When you have a craving or don’t want to work out, push through it. You’ll be glad you did because the little things add up and help you succeed. 

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