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Tina Adams Tina Adams

Tina Adams, RN

“A healthier lifestyle not only changes your body, it changes your mind, attitude, and mood.” - Tina Adams, Radiology Nurse, Spring

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Tina Adams, Radiology Nurse, Spring

March 2018

Tina Adams is proof that focus, dedication – and a dash of innovation – really do pay big dividends.

As far back as Tina can remember, her weight has been a challenge. But that was then, and this is now. After a lot of research, Tina found a healthy new lifestyle – don’t call it a diet – and, with the help of Pinterest, she’s become a creative and adventurous cook. Sodas have been replaced with water, and sugar is out. Results? She’s dropped almost 70 pounds.

When did you decide you needed a new, healthier lifestyle?

My blood sugar was high, so the doctor wanted to put me on diabetes medication. I have a 6-year-old daughter, and when I heard that I thought, “Is this just the first step down a path of bad health? What if I won’t get to see my daughter graduate?”

When did you start to make changes?

April 1st of 2018 we took family Easter photos. When I saw how I looked in the pictures, I knew I needed to make a change, son on April 3rd I started the keto diet.  

Details please.

I eat food that is high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate. It’s called a keto diet, but I don’t consider it a diet. I cut out all sugar, processed food, pasta, rice, and potatoes. I started shopping on the outside aisles of the grocery store – fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats – and stopped shopping on the inside where all the prepared foods are.

What attracted you to this way of eating?

I have a couple of friends who did it, and in their Facebook photos they kept shrinking. I said, “If they can do it, I can do it.”

Describe a typical day of food.

Breakfast is coffee with heavy cream. Lunch might be a lettuce wrap with bacon, avocado, tomatoes, and mayo, or a hamburger patty. For dinner, I sometimes make spaghetti squash or taco boats using zucchini.

What’s one of the biggest changes you’ve made?

I used to drink a soda and eat a candy bar every afternoon. Now I drink water and choose healthier snacks. I’ve lost 75 pounds.

Is it a challenge to cook this way?

I was never a cook before this lifestyle change. If it came out of a box and took less than 30 minutes to prepare, that was me. Now I look at Pinterest and Facebook and find recipes. I cook every day and we rarely eat out anymore. I like to make taco boats using zucchini and I make pizza using cauliflower. There are so many keto desserts you can make.

What are your goals?

I still want to lose 25 more pounds, start exercising, and one day do a 5K. My biggest goals is to live a healthier lifestyle and be an example for my daughter.

What has your family said about your weight loss?

My husband isn’t one for overt displays of affection, but recently he gave me a hug and told me how good I look. That meant so much. My daughter is impressed and says she wants to be like her mom.

What would you like to tell others who know they need to get in shape?

You have to do this for yourself. Once you make up your mind that your health is more important than anything else, then nothing will stop you. Make sure you have a strong support system that will encourage you along the way

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