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Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Wellness Heroes Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Wellness Heroes

Tam​my G​reen, Insurance Verifier II

“Find what​ works for you. What works for somebody else might not work for you. You have to stay in your lane and don’t worry about what others are doing.” - Tam​my G​reen

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Tam​my G​reen

May 2016

See yourself at the finish line and go for it!

In 2013, Tammy Green went to see her doctor and got on the scale for the first time in years. She cried at the number that came up. Overweight and sick and tired of being sick and tired, she decided to do something about it. She started by having lap band surgery and focused on changing her habits. Worried she’d have to give up the foods she loved, she found by doing online research that she could still have her favorites through healthier recipes. She gave up fast-food and cooked healthy meals at home. She joined a Facebook group called the Beast Mode Squad for encouragement and started walking, working her way up to 5-6 miles a day. Now when she weighs herself, she smiles. Down 187 pounds and 13 sizes, she’s closing in on her first goal. She doesn’t plan to stop there, though. She’ll set a new goal and keep working toward a healthier life.

It was a doctor’s visit that sparked your desire for change?

I’d say the doctor’s visit confirmed what I already knew which is that I was obese and needed to do something about it.  Even before that, I had knee pain from being overweight. Just walking from the office to the parking garage I’d be almost in tears. I told myself, enough is enough. When I left my doctor’s office, I said, “Today is the day I’m going to start improving my health.”

What were some of the changes you made?

I had lap band surgery. If you haven’t changed your habits, however, you’re not going to lose weight. It’s a tool to help you. You still have to put in the effort or, as it’s been proven, you’ll regain any weight you lose.

I was a fried food junkie. I went online, researched recipes and realized I can still have my fried chicken but made in the oven. So, with a little bit of research, I found healthier ways to make dishes that I love. I also gave up soda. I now drink water with lemon.

I also incorporated exercise. I walk at a track near my house. I walk at least an hour (5-6 miles) every day and rarely miss a day. In addition, I do squats and just recently started adding weights because my body is getting used to the walking and I need to give it a boost.

What kind of results are you experiencing?

Over the last two and a half years, I’ve lost 187 pounds. I’ve come a long way. I feel great. I feel like I’ve been reborn and I’m living again. People who don’t struggle with weight, they have no idea.

You make it seem easy. Did you have any setbacks?

Setbacks is my middle name. You have to stay on top of it. You can’t be complacent. I recently gained back some weight. I told myself I have to buckle down and get that back off and get back on track. Don’t let it spiral out of control.

What keeps you motivated?

I joined the Beast Mode Squad, which is a Facebook group. Followers from all over the country post encouragement, workout tips, what you ate that day … it holds you accountable and keeps you motivated. It’s important to surround yourself with people who are striving to be healthy because that helps.

Have other Wellness Hero stories helped?

Definitely. Reading their profiles has inspired me. Not only do I read the online Q&As, I print them out.

What advice would you offer other employees who want a healthy lifestyle?

What it comes down to is you have to change your habits. You change your habits, you change your life. Stay away from the fast-food places – they’ll get you in trouble. It’s really better to cook your meals at home. That way you can control how it’s cooked and what goes in it. Learn to make healthier choices when you do eat out.

I wrote this down and keep it by my desk: First, make up your mind. Second, set a goal. Third, start a routine. Lastly, see yourself at the finish line – and complete it.

But most importantly, find what works for you. What works for somebody else might not work for you. You have to stay in your lane and don’t worry about what others are doing.

Tammy shares her favorite taco recipe

Low-Carb Tacos

Ingredients: Your favorite lettuce leaves (to use as taco shells), ground turkey or chicken, low-fat cheese, sour cream, tomatoes, purple onions and taco seasoning. You can also add olives or avocado and salsa.

Directions: Crumble the turkey or chicken into a skillet on medium-high and add your taco seasoning. Simmer until done. Wash the lettuce leaves and dry. Dice all veggies. Spoon the meat and veggies onto the lettuce leaves and enjoy without the guilt. 

Calories: one serving 143.5, total fat 1.4g, saturated fat 2.1g, sodium 103.6mg, potassium 138.6mg, total carbs 4.2g.

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