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Steffanie Campbell, MD - Wellness Hero January 2022 Steffanie Campbell, MD - Wellness Hero January 2022

Steffanie Campbell, MD

"I’m always finding something new to do. Right now, I’m running, biking, and swimming in preparation for my next half Iron Man.” – Steffanie Campbell, MD

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Steffanie Campbell, MD, Internal Medicine Physician, Pearland Clinic

January 2022

Immediately after high school, Steffanie joined the Air Force and served our country for four years. Her military training started her on a lifelong journey of taking care of her health and exercising. She prefers to change up her exercise routines periodically and has competed in half marathons and half Iron Man competitions. She also has an artistic side, and enjoys painting and the theatre in her spare time.

How long have you been into health and wellness?

I joined the Air Force right out of high school, which influenced my physical activity and choice to be healthy – it was mandatory! I was in the military for four years, so I chose to learn to love exercise!

Did you continue your exercise regimen after leaving the military?

It waxed and waned over the years. What I have learned about myself is that I need a goal to work towards … I get bored really easily. I recently finished my first half Iron Man and I’ve committed to two others. So, that is my goal for right now. Previously I have done half marathons. I also like challenges – like a beach body challenge. I’m always finding something new to do. Right now, I’m running, biking, and swimming in preparation for my next half Iron Man.

How often do you work out?

Six to seven days per week. I try to take a rest day, but sometimes I’ll do some strength training or yoga just to stay flexible. During the week I’ll do one to two short runs and a long run on the weekends. I have a Peloton bike that I use for short rides – 10 to 20 miles – during the week. On the weekends I will do 30 to 40 miles on my road bike. Then I swim either outdoors at a nearby lake or I’ll go to the gym and just swim laps for 1 to 1 ½ miles.

Tell me about your diet.

I use the weekends as my cheat time to eat whatever I want... I really like to eat hot wings on those days! I’ll go out to eat with my kids and enjoy meals with them. Through the week I stay pretty strict. I’ll have a shake or a protein bar in the morning as well as for lunch. I also use Hello Fresh, a meal prep service, for dinners during the week. It’s good and I can pick foods my daughters will eat. My mom lives with us too, so we are able to find meals that everyone enjoys.

What hurdles have you faced when trying to stay healthy?

Time! Sometimes I’ll work out at lunch, so I will run four or five miles or go for a swim during my lunch break. I’ll get back to the office, wash up really quickly, and finish my day. With the kids and their activities, sometimes that is the only time that I have, so I get it done. I’ve also had some injuries that set me back, and as you get older the recovery is a bit more difficult.

What do you do to relax?

I like to read, paint, and do home improvement projects. My girls and I also craft and do puzzles together. We also like movies, going to the theatre, or seeing the ballet. And of course, I love a good nap!

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