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Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Wellness Heroes Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Wellness Heroes

​Bobbie Gary, Purchasing Agent

“You have to want it and not worry about others judging you. You have to keep a positive attitude.” - ​Bobbie Gary

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​Bobbie Gary

June 2016

Be patient!

When Bobbie Gary’s weight hit a point she never thought it would get to, she joined Weight Watchers. That one small step helped her to regain control of her health. With the encouragement and support of her Weight Watchers group, family and coworkers, she made dramatic changes in her diet. She cut out fast-food and soda. She was able to reduce her blood pressure medication by half and has cut her salt intake way back. She now walks up to 5,000 steps a day and on a recent vacation in the Hill Country, did a 2-mile hike, which before would have been unthinkable. Prior to her weight loss she was on the edge of being diagnosed with diabetes, which runs in her family. So far, she has lost 16 pounds with plans to lose more. She credits her 12-year-old son with being her coach and cheerleader. “He’s always telling me, ‘Mom, you can do it.’ And I am doing it!”

How is Weight Watchers helping you reach your goals?

Going to the meetings really helps. I go on Saturdays near my house. It’s a big support group. And the Weight Watchers app has made me accountable.  I track what and how much I eat with it. I have my Fitbit synced to my Weight Watchers app to track my activity.

It’s been a good life change for me. I even have my husband on it. The Weight Watchers app has great recipes.

What are some of the diet changes you’ve made?

Before I joined Weight Watchers I ate a lot of fast food and drank a soft drink every morning. I’ve stopped eating most fast-food, eat more fruits and vegetables, and now drink water and tea with Splenda.  You’d be amazed by how much you can lose just by cutting out soda.

What are you doing for exercise?

I walk up to 5,000 steps a day. I like to walk outside. I have a friend here at work and we try to walk once a day. On a summer vacation in the Hill Country I did a 2-mile hike, which I’ve never done before. It took me some time and I was tired at the end of it but the feeling of accomplishment was powerful. Four months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.

What keeps you going?

I don’t want to go back to where I started. Diabetes runs in my family and I’ve come to the edge of it. Losing weight is helping to prevent it.  I also want to get off my blood pressure medicine, so that keeps me motivated. And I have great support from family and friends.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?

Don’t worry about being skinny. Make healthy choices. It’s not easy. But when you have support, you realize it is possible. You just have to stick with it. If I stumble, the main thing is to get right back on it starting with the next meal. I’ve learned it doesn’t help to beat myself up.

What advice and tips would you give to others?

It’s not about losing weight it’s about a healthier lifestyle. You’ve got to be set in your mind to make the change. And you have to be patient.

You have to want it and not worry about others judging you. You have to keep a positive attitude. I don’t like being around negative people. They will drag you down. 

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