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Alexis Fryar Alexis Fryar

Alexis Fryar

“Taking time out to focus on yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Start with finding 30 minutes of your day to get some ‘you’ time in. You’re never too busy for yourself.” - Alexis Fryar, Exercise Physiologist, Kingwood Clinic, Summer Creek Clinic, North Houston Campus

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Alexis Fryar, Exercise Physiologist, Kingwood Clinic, Summer Creek Clinic, North Houston Campus

February 2021

Making the transition from college athlete to working professional had an effect on Alexis’ fitness level. After a friend introduced her to the Beach Body program, she was hooked. The brief, virtual workouts were perfect for her schedule. Alexis soon became a coach in the program, and today some of her coworkers have been inspired to work on their beach bodies, too.

Why did you begin your health and fitness journey?

I had earned a scholarship to play softball at Texas State University, so I played softball all through college. After graduating, I jumped into working and didn’t really focus on my health and fitness. Soon, I felt my body changing… I wasn’t as fit as I used to be when I was playing softball. I realized I needed to start doing something and began getting back into fitness.

When did you start making changes to improve your fitness?

I started making changes about a year after I graduated college – so in 2018. A friend was coaching a program called Beach Body. I eased into that to see what it was all about – and I fell in love with it!

Tell me about the Beach Body program – what does it involve?

Beach Body is an online, virtual workout program. You log on and there are hundreds of workouts you can do virtually from home. You can pull them up on your laptop, phone, or a smart TV – and it is right there in front of you. There is everything from yoga to high-intensity training. It requires minimal equipment at home, and it is a 30-minute workout.

And now you are a Beach Body coach?

Yes, about a year after joining I decided I wanted to help not only myself, but others as well. That is when I started coaching and sharing my experience with Beach Body. Now, a few of my coworkers are also doing Beach Body.

Did you adjust your diet?

I did. As a college athlete I was used to eating whatever I wanted because you’re working it off. Now, I had to readjust – I needed a structured plan. Beach Body offers an eating plan that is very easy to follow. You manage your meal sizes and measure your carbs and proteins. I’ve been successful with it.

What is your favorite meal on this plan?

I like the burger and fries! I make a turkey burger and wrap it in lettuce. I like to have sautéed mushrooms and onions on it. I bake some fries in the oven – it’s a healthier version of fast food! Actually, I think it is better than fast food because you can add your own seasonings to it.

Did you face any hurdles as you made adjustments to get healthier?

I live with my boyfriend, so adjusting to his needs as well as my needs was a challenge. He doesn’t really like vegetables – or anything that I was making! I had to figure out a way to incorporate my meal plan with things he likes. Pinterest has actually helped me find things that we both enjoy.

What is your favorite treat?

Chicken wings. Buffalo wings, traditional, boneless – any kind of wings!

How do you relax?

I love cooking, so I do that to relax. I just adopted a dog, so hanging out with her is fun. Of course, spending time with family and friends is relaxing to me as well.

What advice would you give someone at the beginning of a health and fitness journey?

You always have time. I know our schedules are busy, but taking time out to focus on yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Start with finding 30 minutes of your day to get some “you” time in. You’re never too busy for yourself.

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