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Adam Littman - November Wellness Hero Adam Littman - November Wellness Hero

Adam Littmann

“I love the Assault Bike. It’s low-impact, but it really challenges me and it has become one of my favorite things to do. – Adam Littmann, Senior Analyst, IT EPIC Team, Pearland Administrative Offices

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November 2021: Adam Littmann

Always intrigued by data and science, Adam began analyzing his caloric intake to maximize his nutrition and workouts. He created spreadsheets, learned about macros, and leaned on his natural inclinations as an analyst to maximize his diet and exercise. Today, he has an incredible home gym, embraces evidence-based eating habits, and still enjoys his favorite Tex Mex!

When did you first become interested in health and fitness?

I grew up playing sports but didn’t really begin getting serious about fitness until my senior year of high school when I started lifting weights. At that point, I started going to big box gyms to work out and continued doing that throughout my 20s. But about four years ago, I began doing CrossFit. At that point I got serious about how I trained and my nutrition.

What did you like most about CrossFit?

I thought the coaches at the CrossFit gym I joined were phenomenal. I initially learned about CrossFit through some coworkers, and my wife had also tried it before. With CrossFit, I learned proper technique and how to work out safely, and the experience was really enjoyable.

Are there any other fitness activities you enjoy?

After my wife and I moved to another home that wasn’t near my initial CrossFit location, we invested in really nice home gym equipment and converted our garage into our own version of a CrossFit gym. Because of the great coaches I had been around previously, I’ve been able to follow some online programming and still lift weights safely and with good technique in the garage with my wife.

Is there any special equipment in your home gym that you really like?

I love the Assault Bike. It’s low-impact, but it really challenges me and it has become one of my favorite things to do. I also run outside occasionally.

Have you made any changes to your diet to remain healthy?

When I first started out, I thought protein shakes were the answer to everything! Later, I began learning the science behind the quality and the quantity of the calories I was taking in. I taught myself how to calculate macros, and was even able to create a spreadsheet using some of the same mathematical equations that nutritionists use to calculate macros and caloric quantities. Then I could just plug in my age, height, gender and activity level – I used that data to track my progress and create recipes. I also paid attention to when I should be eating certain types of food.

What is your favorite healthy meal?

Being from Texas – I love Tex Mex! I also realize my body digests food better when it knows what it is going to get, so during the week I usually eat the same thing over and over. My favorite recipe is to marinate chicken breast in a fajita-style marinade and then cook the chicken with green and red bell peppers and onions. That is my go-to lunch most weeks.

What about your guilty pleasure?

I’ve got to stick with Tex Mex, but the good kind you get at a restaurant! My cheat meal is usually fajitas.

What challenges did you face when learning to improve their health?

One of the challenges I had early on was finding good sources of information. I found it difficult to figure out who was a reputable source. I also didn’t know what I didn’t know … I wasn’t informed on what calories were and about the different types of calories and how they supply the nutrients your body needs. I became determined to learn the science behind nutrition.

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