Peggy Louie: Breast Cancer Survivor
"I just stayed focused to get well and move on. I was tougher than I thought."
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Peggy Louie
Peggy learned she's stronger than cancer and tougher than she thought she was.
“I never cried or felt angry or mad for having cancer the entire time I went through surgery and treatments. I just stayed focused to get well and move on. I was tougher than I thought. There is life after cancer.”
Peggy Louie caught her cancer early and showed no fear in her treatment. Now a survivor, she pushes herself to be as tough as she knows she is.
“I learned there was no need for fear. Breast cancer is very much curable if detected early, as in my case. My dad survived his cancer and is still very much alive, so I was not scared when I got diagnosed. Besides, I only had stage 1 cancer."
“I was active before cancer, but more active after cancer. I’ve finished six full marathons since 2011 and am now training for my 7th! I took swim lessons and bought a new bike – two things I never got to learn as a kid – and I finished my first sprint triathlon in 2014. In addition to running, I cross train with yoga, spinning and dragon boat paddling. I now look at life differently and try to live to the fullest.”