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Trisha Lawson Trisha Lawson

Trisha Lawson

“Don’t get discouraged. We all have bad days. If you overindulge, wake up the next day and start over. Have something to work toward. For me, it’s my grandkids.” - Trisha Lawson, Facilities Account Coordinator, Pearland Administrative Office Building

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Trisha Lawson, Facilities Account Coordinator, Pearland Administrative Office Building

November 2019

What drives you to change?

Trisha Lawson finds it’s the little things that give her strength and focus to exercise more and eat healthier

Six grandkids gave Trisha the inspiration she needed to get healthier. Her short strolls became 3-mile walks and 10-mile bike rides. Weight Watchers helped revamp her diet, and she’s learning to cook things she’s never tried before. Trisha’s good habits and kitchen adventures mean her husband is eating healthier too, and he doesn’t even realize it!

When did you decide to do something about your weight?

For several months I had noticed my energy level was low, and I was having a hard time keeping up with my grandchildren. Then I went to the doctor about another concern, and he told me I was borderline obese. I was embarrassed; I had no idea I had gained so much weight.

You’re really sold on Weight Watchers. How has it helped you?

Weight Watchers helped teach me the right way to eat. I thought I was eating well, but now that I know more and look back, I see I wasn’t. I enjoyed doing Weight Watchers at work. I got in with a great group of ladies, and we shared recipes and laughs.

What was one of your old bad habits?

I always loved salad and thought I was doing a great thing when I ate it. But now I realize I added way too much stuff. A salad may be healthy, but not if you drench it in dressing.

What are some of the main advantages of Weight Watchers?

On Weight Watchers, you’re not depriving yourself.  If I want a cookie, I can have one. It’s moderation. Before I would eat a whole sleeve of cookies, then get a glass of milk.

I’ve gotten a lot of new recipe ideas from Weight Watchers. I didn’t realize there were so many healthy, easy things you can cook. I’ve learned a lot, including how to cook salmon, which I’ve never done before.

Are there any foods that are challenging to avoid?

I still have a little sweet tooth. All the food at work – birthday cakes, doughnuts, and other sweets – makes it really hard. Now, when I want something sweet, I try to just have a banana. I let myself have a treat, maybe a small sliver of cake, once a week.

What about exercise?

I started small, trying to walk a mile every day. Now I walk 3 miles a few times each week, sometimes with a group of women in the neighborhood. My husband and I have started biking 10 or 12 miles once a week or so. I didn’t enjoy that at first, but now I have headphones and listen to news programs.

Have others noticed the change in you?

I hadn’t told my extended family about my weight loss, but when I saw them at Thanksgiving, everyone noticed. That felt good!

Do you have any advice?

Don’t get discouraged. We all have bad days. If you overindulge, wake up the next day and start over. Have something to work toward. For me, it’s my grandkids.

What’s the value of setting goals?

Set small, realistic goals, like walking a mile. So many people set big goals on Jan. 1 and join the gym, but then drop out. Don’t set your goals too high. Write your goals on a piece of paper and put them where you’ll see them often, like a mirror or the refrigerator. Meet those small goals and build from there. Challenge yourself.

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