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April Wellness Hero | Rene Galaviz April Wellness Hero | Rene Galaviz

The Stairway to Healthy

“I know it can be hard to get started [with an exercise routine]. But if I can work out for an hour and a half in a parking garage in 100-degree weather, anyone can do 30 minutes in an air-conditioned gym.” – Rene Galaviz

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Rene Galaviz, CMA: Mohs Surgery, Memorial Villages Campus

April 2024

Rene has always been active, but he had let his fitness routine get off track for a few years. He decided it was time to get back in shape, and he wasn’t about to let his busy life get in the way. He realized he had everything he needed in a “gym” just steps away from work – the Kelsey-Seybold parking garage.

You work out in a parking garage. What got you started doing that?

I used to do Taekwondo, and enjoyed it, but gave it up when my son was born. I’ve since tried gym memberships, but I’m more of an outdoors person. When the clinic was in Tanglewood, I would work out in Memorial Park, but when we moved, I thought to myself, ‘Why not just do the stairs?’ So, I started working out in the clinic’s parking garage. I’ve been doing it for several months.

What is your workout routine?

I park on the sixth floor and start out at the top of the stairs with 20 burpees and 100 mountain climbers. Then, I walk down to the first floor and do the same thing – 20 burpees and 100 mountain climbers. I jog in place and then I jog up and down the stairs for about an hour and a half. I started out at 15 minutes and worked my way up. I also wear a 10-pound vest now.

You work out in a parking garage. What got you started doing that?

I used to do Taekwondo, and enjoyed it, but gave it up when my son was born. I’ve since tried gym memberships, but I’m more of an outdoors person. When the clinic was in Tanglewood, I would work out in Memorial Park, but when we moved, I thought to myself, ‘Why not just do the stairs?’ So, I started working out in the clinic’s parking garage. I’ve been doing it for several months.

When do you do your workout?

I do it after work on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. If something happens when I can’t do those days, I’ll do it on Friday.

Do you do other kinds of physical activity?

When I get a chance, or can’t work out in the parking garage, I like to go on bike rides. I ride for about 30 miles. I also use weights at home. Recently, I joined a boxing gym to change up my exercise activity because I reached a weight loss plateau.

As far as your diet, have you changed anything?

I eat my regular foods but try to not go overboard – everything in moderation. I’m not the type that wants to torture myself by not eating what I like. I eat what I like. I just don’t overdo it.

What’s your main motivation for staying on top of your health?

Diabetes runs in my family, so I want to do what I can to prevent myself from getting diagnosed and having to take medications or injections. I don’t want to have to wake up every morning and prick my finger, check my levels, take a pill, and watch what I eat. I’d rather just prevent it. So, I try to just push myself.

You’re an inspiration to the people you work with. Do you talk to them about your healthy lifestyle?

I don’t really talk about it, but since I work out in the parking garage, a lot of people see me doing it. I’ll get a handwave here and there and I’ll wave back. I’ve had a few coworkers ask if they can join me, but I haven’t seen anybody yet! I always tell them they’re welcome to join me.

What changes have you seen since you started?

When I started, I was a little heavy. I lost 10 pounds in the first two months of working out in the parking garage. I also could only do about 15 minutes of jogging the stairs when I first started, and now I’m up to an hour and a half.

I feel much better, and I don’t get tired as easily. I wake up with more energy in the morning. I feel stronger. You start to notice it after you’ve been doing it for a while.

What advice do you have for people who feel they don’t have the time or equipment to work out?

To me, there’s really no excuse. All it takes is five to 10 minutes. Even if you start with three sets of 15 burpees with 30-second breaks, once in the morning and once at night. Even just five minutes. Set a timer for five minutes and just move. It really doesn’t take much.