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United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan FAQ

  • As a member of the United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan, do I need to get a referral to see a Kelsey-Seybold specialist?
  • Is there a specific geographic area I must live in to enroll in the United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan?
  • Who should I contact if I have United Charter Kelsey-Seybold medical benefits and claims questions?
  • Will I continue to have access to UnitedHealthcare’s 24/7 Health Information Line to speak with a nurse when needed?
  • Will I continue to have access to member resources on
  • Will my healthcare providers file my claims with UnitedHealthcare or with Kelsey-Seybold?
  • What if I become ill or injured while I'm traveling outside of the Houston area?
  • What if I need emergency care?
  • What if I switch to the United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan while currently receiving care from a non-participating physician?
  • How is maternity coverage handled?
  • Do I have access to urgent care clinics?
  • How do I find out which hospitals are in the United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan network?
  • What happens if I need to see a specialist as a United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan member?
  • What happens if I need cancer treatment as a United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan member?
  • How can I communicate with Kelsey-Seybold online?
  • What’s included in the United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan?
  • Where can I get a prescription filled?
  • Why should I choose the United Charter Kelsey-Seybold Plan for my medical care?