Aim for 7 to 9 Hours of Sleep for Better Health
Getting enough quality sleep is not only vital for your cardiovascular health, but also for your health as a whole. The American Heart Association advises that adults get an average of 7 to 9 hours per night. Studies show that too little, too much, or too poor-quality sleep is associated with heart disease.
But poor sleep may also put you at higher risk for depression, obesity, cognitive decline, dementia, hypertension, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar.
Conversely, getting enough good quality sleep can contribute to:
- The healing and repair of cells, tissues, and blood vessels
- A stronger immune system
- Improved mood and energy
- Better brain function, including alertness, decision-making, focus, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem-solving
- Lower risk of chronic disease
Dr. Justo Montalvo, a Pulmonary Medicine specialist treating asthma, COPD, and sleep apnea at Kelsey-Seybold, advises his patients to do the following to achieve better quality sleep:
- Turn off TVs and electronic devices well before bedtime.
- Stay on a schedule. Your body loves a regular sleep routine.
- Don’t engage in strenuous physical activity too close to bedtime.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol four to six hours before bedtime.
- Detox your bedroom, eliminating disturbing sounds, light, and clutter. Consider a fan or other “white noise” machine.
- Turn the thermostat to a comfortable temperature.
“There’s no magic involved here, just consistency,” says Dr. Montalvo.