Call Your KelseyCare Concierge at 713-442-0006 for Personalized Assistance
As a KelseyCare member, you have access to our courteous and knowledgeable Concierge team. This service is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Here are some of the services we provide when you call 713-442-0006:
- Personalized assistance in finding nearby clinic locations.
- Expert guidance regarding specific providers and services available at each clinic location.
- Assistance with billing and eligibility questions.
- Expert help resolving your questions and concerns.
The KelseyCare Concierge is your trusted information source through the entire healthcare experience. It’s like having a personal assistant and a healthcare advocate rolled into one. Your Concierge can help you address your special needs and maximize your benefits.